
Land A Dev Job Without the Technical Interrogation

Matt Smith

Matt Smith

3 min read
Land A Dev Job Without the Technical Interrogation

Embarking on a journey to secure a developer job is an exciting yet often daunting endeavour, especially when faced with the notorious technical interview process.

In this article, we'll explore how you can successfully land your dream developer job without the stress of technical interrogations by using strategies to showcase your skills and stand out in a competitive market.

Prefer a different format?

If you have a ZTM Academy Membership then check out the How To Land a Developer Job without the Dreaded Coding Interview Campus event, where Laura and I hangout with students and discuss various options.

What is a Technical Interview and why does it exist?

A technical interview is typically a phase of the job interview in which the candidate is evaluated on their ability to solve technical problems or perform tasks related to the role they are applying for.

While technical interviews are widely used in an attempt to match the candidate ability to the roles requirements, there has been ongoing discussion about their effectiveness.

Ultimately the technical interview main objectives are:

  • Evaluate the skills of the candidate

  • Assess if the candidate is a good fit for the role

So given what we know there are several methods that can be utilised to avoid the technical interrogation.

Method 1: Become the go-to

Landing my position on the ZTM dev team was a result of this method I unknowingly employed, a strategy also utilised by my co-worker Laura. In our discussion at the Campus event, we talked about nuances of our approach.

Its really about making a lasting impression on the decision-makers of the company you want to join, ensuring that when an opportunity arises, you are the immediate and only choice on their radar.

Method 2: Intern / Volunteering

Now this is a controversial topic, and I hear a lot of people recommending that you do not work for free... and I support that to a certain degree. However in a competitive market this option could well be way in, you just need to be careful you are not being exploited.

Always make sure you are being rewarded for your time somehow. For example are you:

  • Gaining real experience you can add to your cv/resume

  • Gaining valuable knowledge and mentorship

  • Gaining potential references

  • Building a professional network

Because volunteering doesn't guarantee a paid position at the end, you need to be comfortable with the value your being provided with from the get go.

But ideally within 4 to 6 months you have became the developer they can't do without and are offered a formal position.

Method 3: Build in Public & Networking

Building in public is like doing your thing but with everyone watching. It's about sharing what you're up to – the good, the bad, and the in-between – on social media, blogs, podcasts or wherever you hangout

The main benefit of this in this context is two-fold:

  • Developing real connections with people who may later be in a position to hire you or recommend you for a role.

  • Demonstrate your various skills, including how you learn, improve and even overcome difficult challenges or bugs.

In Summary

There are many ways in which you can avoid the technical interview, we have looked at just a couple of them today. None of which are shortcuts, but are all things you can incorporate into your life for something you can benefit from later.

For example, if you are learning a new framework, tweet about some of the things that really interested you:

  • Create a video or article on one of your AHA moments to help others.

  • Build a small tool in your new language/framework to solve a problem for the customers of a company you like.

These small actions will compound and help you stand out from the crowd or make you more memorable when the time comes to hire.