450k+ Monthly Visitors
Launched: 25th October 2019
The Project is a multifaceted platform crafted to serve as both a marketing site, presenting the academy's offerings to potential students, and a central hub of resources for students and developers.
This dynamic web application ensures a seamless learning experience, providing an extensive array of educational resources such as cheatsheets, career paths, blog posts, and monthly industry newsletters.
Whether introducing prospective learners to the academy or supporting current students and developers on their educational journey, stands at the forefront, offering a comprehensive and enriching online experience.
The Stack leverages modern technologies to deliver an engaging user experience. The frontend is built using Gatsby and React, ensuring a performant and interactive interface. The content management system is powered by Contentful, allowing for efficient content updates and management. Styled Components have been employed for a consistent and visually appealing design. The deployment is handled by Netlify, ensuring a smooth and reliable hosting environment
The Team
As one of the original developers behind, I've been integral to its growth. Throughout my tenure, collaboration with stakeholders, designers, developers, and the marketing team has been at the core of my contributions to the project.
My role centers on elevating user interaction, refining visual aesthetics, enhancing performance, and ensuring the project maintains its identity as a cohesive and effective educational platform. This journey has been a dynamic one, where adaptability and a commitment to excellence have played key roles in shaping the evolution of
The Takeaways
In reflecting on my journey with the project, it has not only been a tremendous platform for honing my foundational knowledge of React and Jamstack frameworks like Gatsby but has also provided invaluable practical experience with essential marketing tools
Working on this project has exposed me to the intricacies of marketing tools such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Social Tracking Pixels, and various email marketing tools. This hands-on experience has been instrumental in broadening my skill set, allowing me to seamlessly integrate marketing strategies into the technical aspects of the project. The intersection of development and marketing has proven to be a rich learning ground, enriching my professional toolkit and enhancing my versatility in the ever-evolving landscape of web development.

Skills Cloud

React.jsGatsby.jsNetlifyStyled ComponentsContentfulAdvertising PixelsGoogle AnalyticsSEOAccessibilityPerformanceResponsive DesignJAMstackGraphQLJavascript